The Top Management considers Quality as the fundamental strategic tool for the development of the Company and for achieving the objectives of efficiency and effectiveness of the service rendered without thereby disregarding the requirements for the protection of health and safety and the environment.

For this reason, the Top Management decided to establish and maintain a System compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, which sees its application in the entire development of the service rendered, from the acquisition of the contract until the delivery of the product to the client.

The company’s desire is to develop a quality environment recognized by partners and customers, both internal and external, without neglecting aspects concerning the health and safety of workers and environmental protection. The Integrated System is subject to constant and continuous updating with respect to the reference standards adopted.

The General Management and the RSGQ with Deleghe Sicurezza Lavoro, consider it strategically essential to establish a company policy aimed at pursuing the objectives of Quality, Safety that allow the constant development of its markets, especially foreign ones, ensuring compliance with applicable laws on safety matters and health of workers as well as environmental ones. The orientation to the quality, health and safety of workers must see all the staff involved at all levels, in fact the performance of each individual reflected on the final result.

Specific objectives will be processed on a regular basis in order to make operational and concretely measurable the general objectives mentioned above.

The correct application of this system, developed with the involvement of all staff, It allows:

  • to guarantee the internal and external transparency of company policy;
  • to establish the procedures for achieving it;
  • to verify its correct application;
  • to improve the corporate culture and make it evolve towards total quality;
  • to establish an integrated system in continuous evolution and always responsive to principles of economy;
  • the development of a self-control system by all personnel in the performance of the tasks assigned;
  • attention to internal organizational improvements.

To achieve the objectives described above, the Top Management undertakes to:

  • to sensitize the whole structure, at all levels, and to understand what is described in Company policy;
  • provide the means to achieve the goals set;
  • prepare an organizational structure aimed at the implementation of the expressed;
  • provide the necessary human and instrumental resources;
  • involve all staff through constant information and training on culture and techniques of quality, safety and the environment .
  • constantly monitor the implementation of what is expressed in the Quality Manual, identify problems, search
    for and introduce measures to solve problems; verify the implementation of the Actions Corrections undertaken; periodically review the compliance of the System with the company policy and make the organizational and technical changes necessary to achieve this objective;
  • monitor consumption of energy and water resources;
  • monitor the correct management of waste in each company area;
  • monitor the market to replace hazardous substances with other less dangerous ones. The quantitative objectives are defined and recorded at the time of the Management Reviews.

The following guidelines were also drawn:

  • The quality first
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customers are the center of interest of all our actions
  • Continuous improvement is essential to our success
  • The involvement of collaborators is our philosophy
  • Suppliers are our partners

To achieve these results, the Company has set itself as objectives:
The friendliness in relationships with customers

  • Flexibility in requests
  • Improving delivery times

Our Quality Goals will be directed to the development of our business that we will achieve through the effective organizational management of the Processes. The skills of our workforce will be improved and developed through Education, Education, Training and Effective Internal and External Communication Plans.

In this sense, a project plan was implemented to improve the logistics integrated into the component warehouses, to be gradually extended to the management of third-party areas, semi-finished production and assembly. It is the intention of the General Management to every new project of a corporate nature undertaken to involve RSGQ for the active monitoring of the actions in progress; plannings and timely reviews of the advances were requested by means of schematized diagrams. It was also requested to gradually review
the process indicators of the quality system for continuous business improvement, focusing on the parameters of integrated stock management, minimum inventory, warehouse mapping and commodity rotation indices.

The Personnel and the infrastructure necessary to achieve our Quality Goals will be regularly reviewed
and updated to meet the requirements necessary for our activities. The integration in the Management
Review of the ID-9.3-R-01 (form Mod 5.6 / 01); attached ID-6.2-M-01 Planning of the objectives (strategic)
activities) and the objectives of the Improvement Plan Processes with ID 6.2-M-02 according to ref. 6.2.1./6.2.2 of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard.

The Quality Policy will be communicated to the whole organization together with the Objectives foreseen for
each Process identified; The results of improvement and performance will be used as targets and as a means
of monitoring the implementation of this Policy which will be systematically reviewed at all levels within the

Briga Novarese, 16/01/2023 – General Manager


Via Borgomanero, 105 – 28010
Briga Novarese (NO) – Italia

Tel. + 39 03229549 ra
Fax +39 0322956149

C.F. / P.IVA vat n. it 00581 420031
Reg. imp. 6718 Novara – rea 133931
Mecc. no005923
Cap. sociale € 710.000,00

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